Plugging in Electric Vehicles Like Never Before with ATESS DC EV Chargers

2024-10-12 11:00:05

In the age of sustainable transportation, efficient and reliable electric vehicle charging solutions are essential for the widespread adoption of EVs. At ATESS, we are proud to introduce our cutting-edge EVD-20S series of DC EV chargers, designed to enhance the way you charge your electric vehicles. With mature integration capabilities, various charging modes, digital intrusion prevention, solar charging options, and load balancing features, ATESS DC EV chargers offer a comprehensive and innovative solution for EV owners and businesses alike.


Seamless Integration with Third-Party Payment Platforms

ATESS DC EV chargers from the EVD-20S series offer mature integration with third-party payment platforms, making the charging process smooth and convenient for users. Whether you prefer to pay through an app, RFID (optional), or simply plug and charge, our chargers provide flexible payment options to suit your preferences. With ATESS, charging your electric vehicle has never been easier or more user-friendly.


Versatile Charging Modes for Customized Experience

Flexibility is key when it comes to electric vehicle charging, and ATESS DC EV chargers deliver just that. With various charging modes including app-based, RFID-enabled (optional), and plug and charge functionality, our chargers cater to a wide range of user preferences and needs. Whether you prefer the convenience of mobile app control or the simplicity of plug and charge, ATESS DC EV chargers offer a personalized and user-centric charging experience.


Enhanced Cybersecurity with Digital Intrusion Prevention

Cybersecurity is a top priority in today's digital age, especially when it comes to sensitive systems like EV chargers. ATESS EVD-20S series DC EV chargers are equipped with digital intrusion prevention features, utilizing WSS communication protocols to ensure robust cybersecurity measures. With ATESS chargers, you can rest assured that your charging sessions are secure and protected from unauthorized access or malicious attacks, providing peace of mind for EV owners and operators.


Harnessing Solar Power for Sustainable Charging

As we strive towards a greener future, solar charging solutions are becoming increasingly popular. ATESS DC EV chargers offer the option to power your EV with the sun, allowing you to tap into renewable energy sources for your charging needs. By integrating solar charging capabilities into our chargers, ATESS is paving the way for sustainable and environmentally friendly EV charging solutions that reduce reliance on traditional power sources.



In conclusion, ATESS DC EV chargers from the EVD-20S series represent the pinnacle of innovation and efficiency in electric vehicle charging technology. With features like seamless integration with payment platforms, versatile charging modes, digital intrusion prevention, solar charging options, and load balancing capabilities, ATESS chargers offer a comprehensive solution for EV owners and businesses looking to embrace sustainable transportation. Get a taste of what's to come in electric car charging with ATESS and discover how DC EV chargers can power a more sustainable and intelligent future.

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