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Nov 12, 2024

Transforming Water Scarcity into Abundance for Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has a huge annual consumption of fresh water, reaching 30 billion cubic meters per year, while the total amount of surface water produced each year is only about 2 billion cubic meters. The fresh water gap is increasing with population growth and rising living standards. In order to cope with the shortage of fresh water resources, Saudi Arabia has taken various measures to ensure the supply of fresh water, one of the main means of which is seawater desalination technology.

However, the process of seawater desalination consumes a significant amount of electricity. In some coastal desert areas suitable for building seawater desalination plants, the utility grid has not yet been connected to, and relying on fossil fuels for seawater desalination will result in high costs. This white paper explores how the ATESS energy storage technology empowers seawater desalination plants in a cost-effective and sustainable way.

Transforming Water Scarcity into Abundance for Saudi Arabia


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